Federal and State Holidays in the United States

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Do you want to make the most of your time off work? Then we think it will be wise for you to discover upcoming public holiday dates for the United States and start planning to make your vacation as refreshing as possible. To discover upcoming public holiday dates, scroll down the page to choose your state or select a year.

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Choose your state

Alabama Nebraska
Alaska Nevada
Arizona New Hampshire
Arkansas New Jersey
California New Mexico
Colorado New York
Connecticut North Carolina
Delaware North Dakota
District of Columbia Ohio
Florida Oklahoma
Georgia Oregon
Hawaii Pennsylvania
Idaho Rhode Island
Illinois South Carolina
Indiana South Dakota
Iowa Tennessee
Kansas Texas
Kentucky Utah
Louisiana Vermont
Maine Virginia
Maryland Washington
Massachusetts West Virginia
Michigan Wisconsin
Minnesota Wyoming

The United States federal holidays are public holidays that have been recognized at the federal level and are applicable to all employees at the federal level.

On the other hand, State holidays in the United States are public holidays recognized at the State level – and occasionally include the same holidays recognized by the Federal Government.

All federal holidays in the United States are observed on a Monday with the exception of Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Veterans Day, and Independence Day.

This is in line with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of the federal government which is intended to move holidays to a Monday whenever possible.

All States are allowed to declare their holidays and are not required to observe federal holidays. But at times, most states choose to observe versions of holidays that are related to holidays recognized at the federal level due to some reasons.

Private employers may or may not allow their employees to observe federal holidays. They are not under any obligation to provide compensation if they choose to allow employees to take time off work during the federal holiday period.

Many employers at their discretion choose to offer paid federal holidays as an extra employment benefit for employees who deserved to be rewarded.